Walking Iris (work-in-progress)

Inspired by the botanical wonder of the walking iris (Neomarica gracilis), a host of winged immortals depicted on ancient Greek and Cretan artifacts, as well as the mysterious “Ladies in Blue” fresco found in the Minoan palace of Knossos, Walking Iris is an evening-length puppet/dance work co-created by Patti Bradshaw and Christopher Williams featuring sculptural costumes, objects, and puppets by Wendy Froud, Williams, Bradshaw, and Andrew Jordan set to a soundscape combining live effects by John Dyer with music by Atrium Musicae.  The piece as a whole aims to present a meditation on the world of the unseen, the seemingly fleeting nature of time, and the natural cycles of plant life, seasons, and cultures that, like everything, come into being, abide for a time, dissolve, and begin again.

*This clip is an excerpt from the work-in-progress.

*This clip is an excerpt from the work-in-progress.

*This clip is an excerpt from the work-in-progress.

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